Electrolytic cells are characterized by their rounded shapes,optimized for aggressive thermal conditions through successive iterations using computer simultations and finite element analysis .
The design eliminates corners and sharp edges, replacing them with smooth curves in the interior and exterior junctions.Abrupt changes in wall thickness become gradual transitions throughout the structure,mitigating stress concentrations and reducing materail usage and weight by 12-15% maintaining the cell's holading capacity .
Guaranteed Long-Term impermeability,free of corrosion
Designed with a monolithic impermeable internal tank manufactured with multiple layers of fiber-reinforced premium vinylester resin. the specifications for this internal tank have been validated by proven impermeability and corrosion-free service for over 40years in the chemical processing industries worldwide.
Manufacture's 20 year warranty
We can promide electrolytic cells fr continuous service without leaks ,free of corrosion and structural flaws,operating under mormal conditions as specified for each project .
Eelctrolytic cells include features that allow reduction of 25% or more in time needed for cell erections, alignment and leveling ,compared to time required with conventional polymer concrete cells ,dimenson tolerances for electrolytic cells are consistently tight, simplifying installation in the most demanding applications, including plants with automated crane systerms .
The system
1. an electrolyte frp seal or chemical barrier
2. A structural core made with ppolymer concrete
3.an external frp seal