Benefits of FRP Electrolytic Cells
Long-term impermeability, free of corrosion, 20+ years warranty
Our monolithic internal tank manufactured with multiple layers of fiber-reinforced premiumvinyl ester resin. lt has continuous service without leakage, free of corrosion and structural flawswhich operating under normal conditions as specified for each project.
Swift, accurate and less costly installation
Electrolytic cells include features that allow reduction of 25% or more in time needed for cellerection, alignment and leveling compared to time required with conventional polymer concretecells. Dimension tolerances for electrolytic cells are consistently tight, simplifying installation inthe most demanding applications, including plants with automated crane systems.Minimum cleaning time and water consumptionThe rounded internal shape, optional sloped cell floors, and smooth, flat finish of the intemal tank,facilitate water sweeping and drainage of heavy sludge, with reduced water usage and acceleratingreturn to service after each cleaning.
Minimum maintenance cost
The robust. virtually impervious intemal tank that is chemically bound to the polymer concretestructural core during molding is tolerant to operating abuse its smooth, non-stick surfacesminimize adhesion of contaminants
Maximum operational safety
The structural core of electrolytic cells is bolstered with sturdy extemnal seismic reinforcementblocks confining its floor supports, and includes a robust, internal bidirectional, pultrudedFRP bar mesh reinforcement which positively maintains integrity should the cell fail due tocatastrophic events. Electrolytic cell installation protocols call for lateral wall collaboration betweencells, thus reducing stress levels of cell around 40% under normal operating conditions.

FRP Electrolytic Cells Structure
Electrolytic cells are cast monolithically based on a patented, three-layer composite materialsystem:The Internal layer is a monolithic tank made with multiple layers of fiber-reinforced vinylester resin (FRP) complying with chemical barrier international norms that assure long-termimpermeability and corrosion resistance.The Intermediate layer is the structural core made with polymer Concrete, with a patentedformulation to achieve a low coefficient of thermal expansion, providing long-term structuralintegrity with low thermally-induced stresses
The External layer is a standard seal layer of FRP that further protects the structural core fromelectrolyte splashes and spills. Optionally, this external seal may be specified with multi-layeredoriented fiber reinforcements to quarantee trouble-free operation in unusually extreme operatingenvironments.